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In the beginning of this article we must define what means xenophobe. This word is composed by two Greek words: xenos = stranger, foreigner, and phobos = fear; which in free translation will mean fear of strangers.

Xenophobia is one of the forms of discrimination consisted of irrational and excessive fear and hate against everything which is strange (people, places, culture and objects). Racism and homophobia can be two examples of xenophobe.

English | Views: 711 | Added by: Ciprian | Date: 26.04.2013 | Comments (0)

Kiedy wypowiadam na głos lub słyszę słowo „kobieta”, wewnątrz mnie zaczyna się rozwijać wizerunek delikatności i czułości, cechy jakimi te anielskie istoty są obdarzone, albo wyobrażenie słodkiego uśmiechu, który może ustrzec przed najgorszą zimą lub może sprawić, że znów poczuję miłość. Ale ta próba zdefiniowania uczucia związanego ze słowem „kobieta” będzie miała swój rezultat w postaci ciągu opisów, które mogą sprawić, że zagubię się wśród tysiąca słów.
Polski | Views: 577 | Added by: Ciprian | Date: 13.03.2013 | Comments (0)

Cand rostesc sau aud cuvantul femeie, in interiorul meu se naste o imagine complexa redata de finetea si gingasia cu care aceste fiinte angelice au fost inzestrate, sau imaginea unui suras dulce ce poate alunga cea mai cumplita iarna, sau ma poate face sa simt emotia iubirii. Dar, cu siguranta aceasta incercare de a defini sentimentul ce ia nastere odata cu acest cuvant va conduce la un sir lung de descrieri ce ma poate face sa ma pierd printre miile de cuvinte...
Romana | Views: 689 | Added by: Ciprian | Date: 13.03.2013 | Comments (0)

When I pronounce or hear the word woman, inside of me starts to develop an image of finesse and tenderness, qualities with which these  angelic beings are endowed, or the image of a sweet smile that can ward off the worst winter, or it can make me feel again the emotion of love. But this attempt to define the feeling connected with this word (woman) will have as result a long string of descriptions which can make myself to be lost among the thousands of words …

English | Views: 615 | Added by: Ciprian | Date: 13.03.2013 | Comments (0)

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