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Main » 2013 » June » 12 » Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day

Thanks to their contribution in sustaining and developing the society, the whole world devotes a specific day to celebrate the mothers. I believe that parents should be celebrated every day by respecting them.

Almost in all world, people celebrate this specific day dedicated to the one who gave us birth, but in the day isn’t the same everywhere. But I think it isn’t so important that there isn’t an international day for it. More important is the fact that this event takes place in the whole world.

The first celebration of Mother’s Day took place in USA, in 1908, when a woman organized a memorial dedicated to her mother. Since that year, this celebration began to develop and almost every country on this Earth has a specific day dedicated to this event, even the day is different from one country to another.

For example, in Poland, Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on 26th May, but in Romania in the first Sunday of May (day adopted by the Government of Romania in  2009, but I want to say that this event is celebrated in the same day like Women’s Day, on 8th March.

In Poland, Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time in 1923, but only after the Second World War started to be a holiday in the entire country.

To show their appreciation for their mothers, children give presents like cards, buckets of flowers, chocolate candies or other gifts made by them. Husbands invite their wives and their mothers to restaurant for dinner.

I observed that this day is important for Poles and they are trying to not forget about it.

Every year, at the centre of GPCKiE, is organized a very big event, called „Majówka” which is dedicated to Mother’s Day and Child’s Day. This event became a tradition for the community and takes place every year on the last Sunday of May.

In Romania, there are the same habits, but in the same moment people celebrate Women’s Day.

Even the Government of Romania adopted the first Sunday of May for Mother’s Day, Romanians celebrate it on 8th March together with Women’s Day, not so many being those who celebrates on the day adopted by the government.  More than that, in this year, the Orthodox Easter was celebrated in the first Sunday of May, so another reason to believe in what I said before.

Because of the fact that during many years, Romanians celebrated on the 8th March, Mother’s Day and Women’s Day, I think that this will remain for many years like this, because it became a tradition for Romania.

To our mothers who gave birth to us, protected us and helped us all the time as best they could do, I am sure that you are agree with me when I say that one day isn’t enough to celebrate the one who dedicated her life to us and she can give her life for ours…

Category: English | Views: 693 | Added by: Ciprian | Rating: 0.0/0