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Main » 2013 » April » 19 » Current activities of young people
Current activities of young people

In the connection with the project, from time to time I have to inform  about actions, which are taken by youth participating in classes  of Gminno Parkowe Centrum Kultury i Ekologii w Plichtowie. Some people I have met before, at the opportunity of Grundtvig programme, in which i.a. Campina Municipality and Nowosolna Municipality were partners.   

A big surprise for me was the fact that after my arrival I saw welcoming delegation at the airport, which consists of the head of GPCKiE and young people. The greeting was very warm, the group of people was holding a poster with my name and surname and white-red snowman.

I accommodated very quickly in GPCKiE in Plichtów. It’s the place, in which lots of things take place, different kinds of classes are organized for  children, adults and elder people, by the way there are some lectures, trainings etc. Participation in the project let me meet different ages group, but most time I spend with youth and of course with employees of GPCKiE.

Young people took me in very warmly, even I don’t speak Polish – we understand each other very good. I spend with them some part of my time. At least we meet once a week for a long time and we meet on Friday, when FUEGO group has their rehearsals. Even I’m in Poland recently, I became a member of the group and I take part in classes.  Generally, youth from the group dance and sing. If it comes to dances – there are Greek, Romanian, Balkan, German etc., except this fact girls from the group sing songs during different celebrations, there are not only Polish songs, but also foreign.

In March I was with the group in ŁDK – Community Center of Culture in Łódź – young people prepared dancing trailer, which consists of 3 songs, they were forerunner of dance workshops, which will be organized for some months. The aim of the trailer was to present young people, their instructors, but the main idea was to encourage local community to take part in dance workshops.

Next important event was to create workshops about Easter and the beginning of spring. With youth we organized together workshops connected with these two themes. In the beginning of the workshops I presented two presentations: the first one – how does the Easter look in Romania, the second one – customs connected with spring. Young people from Poland also prepared two presentation and the topics were the same, but they were different due to the differences in traditions and customs. After the end of presentation integration workshops took place, in which all people had a good fun. The main idea of the workshops was to check knowledge of participant using different techniques. Tasks were translated into English, so I understood everything and could join the fun. Workshops consist of: puns, test of knowledge and finding differences, rates with closed eyes, brain teasers etc. Workshops were connected also with food. Workshops let me to know something more about Polish culture and traditions. It turned out that Polish Easter is very close to the customs of celebration Easter in Romania. Then, if it comes to tradition connected with spring, they’re totally different.

Now, youth is preparing themselves for Greek Evening, which will be in the nearest Saturday on 20th April, 2013. Rehearsals lasts from two months, youth is preparing themselves intensive, repeating everything several times a week. FUEGO group prepared special program, in which is i.a.: an interview with Polish – Greek marriage, play ‘Beauty Helen’, tasting with traditional Greek sweets and Greek salad, the show od Greek dances, workshops of Greek dances and for the ending Greek songs and shared fun. Like one of the member of the group I will also take part in this event, especially for this occasion I’ve learnt war Greek dance, which is the final part of play. Besides I will take part in dance workshops and I will take care of musical part. This event will let me to know not only Polish culture and tradition (due to the fact that I’m a volunteer in Poland), but also contribute to know better different country and also European awareness will be form, not only mine but also whole local community.

I’m waiting impatiently for this event and for many, many different which will be in front of me.    
Category: English | Views: 728 | Added by: Ciprian | Rating: 0.0/0