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Main » 2013 » September » 10 » Harvest Festival in Nowosolna Commune
Harvest Festival in Nowosolna Commune

On 25th August 2013 in the Commune Centre of Culture and Ecology took place Harvest Festival. I found out that the tradition is that Harvest Festival always takes place on the last Sunday of August. The weather was perfect for the outdoor event.

Therefore, lots of people appeared during Harvest Festival. In the last week the preparation was very intensive. Women procured to prepare beautiful and magnificent harvest wreaths, so for first time I had the opportunity to see how they really look.

Harvest Festival began with the mass in the church. Later, people who took part in church’s ceremonies arrived by trailer which was special and adequately to harvest vibrations prepared. Through the Harvest Festival I found out who the starosts are – all the time it’s a man and a woman who are the representatives of farmers in this important day, which is a celebration of crops.

After the official beginning, starosts handed Mayor of Nowosolna Commune bread baked from this year's harvest, and then they gave candies to all guests.

Mayor and representatives of other important institutions received harvest wreaths braided from a variety of cereals’ ears, decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Vocal groups’ performances went on the stage to Harvest Festival. In Nowosolna Commune there are three singing groups and one dancing – vocal group FUEGO, which is a youth team whom I cooperate with. This time, on the stage was present only vocal part of the group which sang only Polish songs with the accompaniment of the guitar.

One of the many highlights was a performance of cabaret duet „The third breath of the Duck".

During the Harvest Festival also the contest for the best traditional bread was conducted. As soon as I found out about the contest - I decided to take part in it. However, I couldn’t decide what kind of bread I can bake, so I prepared three – Galician bread, Greek bread with olives and Portuguese bread with corn. On contest booth appeared my Galician bread.

All participants received gifts for participating in the competition. I have to admit that I was the only man in the company of women who took part in the contest.

During the Harvest Festival you could try all kinds of bread baked by me, on my EVS promotional booth. An addition to the bread was fat with meat, cucumbers and mushrooms.

On my EVS booth could be found leaflets with basic information about our project - "Echoes of Europe" and about the "Youth in Action" program. Because of Harvest Festival we decided to prepare a photo gallery with descriptions of images, which was a summary of the first half of EVS project. I have to say that people viewed a photo exhibition willingly.

Girls who work in the project painted faces of all the children. The most popular motifs were flowers, cats, bears, dog’s and pirates faces.

If it comes to other things I have to say about traditional Polish food. Fire-fighters prepared a delicious pea soup once again, and housewives’ clubs prepared dumplings, cabbage, bread with lard, cakes and other hot dishes.

I really liked the initiative to organize in the hall stands with health education. Near these stands could be measured the blood pressure, the level of blood sugar, you could learn how to make self-examination of breasts, etc.

I liked very much the outdoor event and everybody could find something for oneself.

Category: English | Views: 789 | Added by: Ciprian | Rating: 0.0/0