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«  April 2013  »
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Main » 2013 » April » 05

Maybe no other season is so spectacular like spring is. In this season, temperatures starts to grow up, when the nature is reborn with snowmelt which we could see everywhere during the winter, plants begin a new cycle and make a big carpet of green and full of flagrances, birds returns from warmer countries to caress our ears with the most beautiful songs, even the bears wake up from their long sleep. I can say that we enjoy seeing this beautiful spectacle of the nature.

Category: English | Views: 1254 | Added by: Ciprian | Date: 05.04.2013

Poate ca nici un alt anotimp nu este atat de spectaculos precum este primavara. In acest anotimp, temperaturile incep sa creasca, atat in timpul zilei, cat si noaptii, iar toata natura revine la viata odata cu topirea covorului alb ce s-a asternut in timpul iernii pretutindeni, plantele isi incep un nou ciclu si realizeaza un covor de verdeata si plin de miresme, pasarile se intorc din tarile calde pentru a ne mangaia auzul cu cele mai frumoase cantece, pana si ursii se trezesc din lungul somn. As putea spune ca ne bucuram de un intreg spectacol al naturii.

Category: Romana | Views: 4791 | Added by: Ciprian | Date: 05.04.2013