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In this world, people around the world are discriminated by other people, but in my opinion racism is the most popular and the most aggressive in the same time. Because of that I think that this type of discrimination is the most dangerous from all of them.

 But what is racism? Racism is represented by the opinions and actions which refers at the belief that the human beings are classified in some biological groups called races, which have, some of them being considered to be inferior to others on the characteristic basics of that race.

United Nations Organisation affirms that all of these differences between races don’t have any scientific base. Because of that, this organisation condemns any kind of racist manifestation.

But what is the story of the racial discrimination? The story of this kind of manifestation is very old, even in Bible, the book in which God creates the human and from this principle all people are equal. Even if people say that bible is the word of God, we can find many sentences in which slaves are presented like animals and Noe cursed Ham to be slave to his brothers, one of his sons. If I remember well Ham was black.

Even the well-known philosopher, Aristotle, considered that barbarians are inferior to the Greeks and they couldn’t adapt to the Greek’s civilisation. More than that he mentions the status of slave by birth (confidence that,some people are born to be slaves).

Continuing the racist discrimination, the Arabs interacted with the black populations from Africa, transforming them from free human beings into slaves. After it, they could sell them like animals or goods, or exploiting them in different labours. Of course, this inhumane way to treat people (especially black people), continued with colonial empires, but racial discrimination is manifesting in various forms even today.

I want to metion a few of history’s dark episodes of these populations considered inferior:

          The times when black people were exploited sugar cane plantations. Unfortunately most of them died because of exhaustion.

          Congo – the Belgian colony during the reign of King Leopol I when many Congolese died, have been killed or mutilated by men of King Leopol I, all in the attempt to increase the amount of natural rubber extracted from rubber trees.

          The nazist and fascist doctrines during the Second World War, when they who believed in this doctrines claimed the supremacy of the Aryan race and led a wide slaughter among Jews and Gypsies.

          United States of America - Ku Klux Klan, who has a bad influence since the mid-nineteenth century. I am sure that you have watched movies where some psychopaths dressed in white outlandish costumes like they were medieval executioners, terrorizing the black populations from USA.  Unfortunately, this group still exists today as illegal and as terrorist organisation. Believing fervently in the superiority of white skin, the group showed the opposite by their behaviour and beliefs. That is because they hate so much the black populations, terrorizing them in mentally and physically ways (torturing them, hanging them and finally set them on fire poor people who had the misfortune to be born black). The nature of their behaviour makes me think that they were mentally ill and criminals who murdered a lot of innocent people.

          Republic of South Africa - the apartheid, which means separation. After the Second World War, the new elections decided that two political parties will lead the country. What they did is very curious. They separated the populations in four groups by races, the white people having more rights rather than black people. Thus, they separated them by these groups, being cities, districts, hospitals, schools and even bank only for one of this group. Fortunately, South Africa had an exceptional president, Nelson Mandela, who fought for equality for all its citizens.

The list can be continued, but I want to define these criminal acts to be like they were of those who seem to be psychopaths.

Even the efforts against the racial discrimination manifestations are bigger, the attitude of people were not corrected entirely. Even there are some episodes of the racial discrimination; I think that young people are more open mind to interact with people no matter the colour of the skin.

I wish that in one day to see the people living in harmony,, without any kind of discrimination of race, religion or other manifestations of some people’s ego who consider being superior than others.

The only thing that I can do is to have respect for all people on the world, and to discourage the manifestations of some people who want to discriminate other people who aren’t like they. At the end only the fact that we are not the same, made possible the evolution of this world.

Category: English | Added by: Ciprian (25.07.2013)
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