Echoes of Europe

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In the beginning of this article we must define what means xenophobe. This word is composed by two Greek words: xenos = stranger, foreigner, and phobos = fear; which in free translation will mean fear of strangers.

Xenophobia is one of the forms of discrimination consisted of irrational and excessive fear and hate against everything which is strange (people, places, culture and objects). Racism and homophobia can be two examples of xenophobe.

What effects can have this kind of discrimination? Victimization, violent acts, murders, mass expulsions… all of these because of: job deprivation, power, prestige compared with a group of foreigners, crimes committed by some members, or fear of cultural exchanges.

But what are the real causes of this form of discrimination? I think that xenophobia has been developing during thousands of years, when there wasn’t peace between the tribes or neighbouring countries in their desire to expand. As the power was bigger the desire to impose was higher, like there was: the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Spanish Empire, the Russian Empire, or the largest empire which ever existed, the British Empire.

I wondering how were welcome these colonizers when they came to oppress people. I am sure that they weren’t waited with flowers, like they could bring happiness with them. Or maybe those people really believed that colonizers will have a good influence, but their only interest was the wealth of the territories. I don’t believe that they tried to go somewhere if that territory didn’t provide any benefit.

In the antiquity, when the Greeks and Romans considered to be barbarian everyone who didn’t share the same culture (language, religion or form of civilization), continuing with the Middle Ages when the xenophobia had religious basis, than with the colonizers, and in the 18th century was created a new political doctrine, nationalism, which can be considered a form of xenophobia if is going to extremes.

Unfortunately, xenophobia is still common phenomenon in this century, which must be a time of tolerance, friendship and good exchanges. We can see xenophobia even in developed countries, even in the European Union.

The history show us that the only times when the neighbour countries were friends was when they had common interests. So I’m not surprised that xenophobia still manifests today, because that our ancestors have developed this fear of strangers during many ages.

Do we have enough motives to be afraid of foreigners? I think no.

Since 1993, the European Union begin to discuss more and more about this problem, trying to solve it. In 2008, the EU Justice Commissioner, Jacques Barrot said: "Racism and xenophobia have no place in Europe. Nor should it in any other part of the world. Dialogue and understanding should overcome hatred and provocation.” and "I warmly welcome the introduction of severe and effective sanctions against racism and xenophobia that are direct violations of the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, principles upon which the European Union is founded and which are common to the Member State.”

Even there were adopted some laws, I am asking myself in which way these words of this man are respected. But I saw that Romania made a lot progresses in adopting laws to stop racism and xenophobia .

But is this legislation respected?

I think the legislation which condemn xenophobia anywhere in this world isn’t respected like it should be. I saw on TV a lot of these examples. But in Romania the situation is different, there are some organisations and also one party which promotes xenophobic attitudes against Romanian people. What is alarming is the fact that there are manifestations on Romanian territory and also in Hungary, but no one condemn these, even the law exists.

What can I say about the Hungarian people (citizens of Romania) burned a doll which looked like Avram Iancu, one of our national heroes. All of these because they want autonomy for some regions. But the history shows us that their demand hasn’t any logic (Hungary disappeared on Europe’s map for more than four centuries, being under ottoman occupation, or under Austrian Empire, in the same time when they said that they were present in Transylvania).

I can’t understand this Hungarian manifestations against Romanians, but these will not have as result the love of Romanian people.

I’m wondering why they don’t ask for autonomy for some territories in which a lot of Hungarian people lives, like is in Slovakia, Serbia or Ukraine? Maybe because of the lack of reaction from Romanian side to condemn these manifestations, and maybe because of Slovakian, Serbian or Ukrainian will not be tolerant with it in their countries.

Also xenophobic manifestation on the old continent take place in Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, and other countries.

In Italy, Romanians are characterised like gypsies and criminals (also racist attitudes). But I don’t wonder why these manifestations, because I know that Italy was leaded using the fascist doctrine which promotes xenophobia and racism. I wonder why Italian authorities, European Union or even sometimes Romanian authorities don’t have reaction to condemn xenophobia from this country (here I don’t refer at declarations, but at penalties).

In France, the same story like in Italy. Some time ago I was talking with one French EVS volunteer who told me: "I thought that all Romanians are gypsies, and France people believe that they come from Romania”, or that they don’t work, are criminals, and the beg for money on the street. I was stunned by what I heard, I think that mass-media form this country washed a lot of brains, and some politicians wanted to win some votes being agree with it.

I want to remember that last year Romania spent 20 times more money than France did, with Roma people integration in  society. I let you to decide if the French authorities have right when they say that Romania doesn’t want to integrate these people in society.

If before the Romania’s integration in EU, this country was pointed with the finger that it doesn’t integrates Roma people into society, why now Countries like Italy, France or United Kingdom can’t deal with this situation, more than that they have racist reaction when they hear about Roma people or they have xenophobic reactions against Romanians?

Because of the financial crisis, in Spain began also xenophobic manifestations, from the wish to protect Spanish people, the jobs being destined for Spanish people, even a foreigner will be more prepared for that job.

In United Kingdom we can see in mass media a lot of xenophobic manifestations against Romanians and Bulgarians.

But we must not forget about Hungary, where exists a lot of organisations with xenophobic orientation.

Taking in consideration that any EU’s countries exports goods and services to Romania without paying custom duties, while they benefit of dominant position as a developed country; in the same way any Romanian must have the right to travel and work in an of these countries without being discriminated. European Union guarantees it to any of his citizens, but the reality is that not all the countries respect it 100%.

From informations that I have, European Union didn’t sanctionated the xenophobic manifestations that I talked about in this article, the only thing done was to criticize in reports (which is a big difference between it and what the Eupean Justice Commisioner)

I’m asking myself if we can talk about an united Europe in case of xenophobic manifestations in different countries against citizens of other countries.

Being a member of EU must ensure same rights for all of its citizens, but xenophobia and racism violates this principle. Of course xenophobia isn’t present everywhere in Europe, but can be the a cause of conflicts which I am sure that nobody wants.

I wish to see the Europe united, not only in declarative or on papers way, but also deep in European citizens mind.

Category: English | Added by: Ciprian (26.04.2013)
Views: 796 | Tags: xenopfobia | Rating: 0.0/0
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